New Competency Frameworks
UPDATE: Competency documents currently cannot be downloaded. We are working to correct this situation and make these documents available as soon as possible.
UPDATE: Competency documents currently cannot be downloaded. We are working to correct this situation and make these documents available as soon as possible.
The presentations from the 2023 Prescribing Day are now available to be downloaded and viewed. Annual General Meeting – Download here Children’s Epilepsies Emergency Treatments by Neil Williamson RN Epilepsy, Medication and Sexual Health by Dr M Yogarajah Valproate – the Devil we know by Udo C Wieshmann
EDUCATION There are a number of regional groups who meet regularly to discuss latest developments in epilepsy, provide networking opportunities, peer support and CPD. TRAINING & CPD EXPERTISE We are nurses and other health professionals working to support people with epilepsy. ESNA MEMBER RESOURCES EMPOWERMENT We raise the profile of epilepsy and promote an holistic and multi-disciplinary approach. […]
Buccal midazolam is widely used to manage prolonged seizures. Administration should only be undertaken by people who have received both epilepsy awareness and buccal midazolam training. It is recommended that there are two-yearly updates on this training. The administration of buccal midazolam must be delivered in accordance with the individual’s […]
COMPETENCY CHECKLIST FOR THE SAFE ADMINISTRATION OF OROMUCOSAL (BUCCAL) MIDAZOLAM ESNA would like to introduce the oromucosal midazolam competency checklist. It is a helpful tool to guide reviewers and their caregivers through the process of understanding a person’s seizures, their emergency protocol, and the importance of safe and practical administration […]
Congratulations to Yvonne Leavy on being awarded our first ever achievement award on the occasion of our 30th anniversary. The award represents her outstanding contribution to epilepsy specialist nursing during her career. Yvonne was delighted to be recognised in this way by her colleagues and said, ” This is greatly […]
Treatable causes of death accounted for 403 per 100,000 deaths in people with learning disabilities, compared to just 83 per 100,000 deaths in the general population, according to the University of Bristol’s 2019 LeDeR Annual Report. The report, published on 16 July, indicates that the majority of people with learning disabilities […]
Young Epilepsy has launched new digital resource The Channel . As well as a host of broader information, it includes some specific advice on Covid-19 and epilepsy. As we’re sure you’ll be aware, young people with epilepsy are more prone to mental ill health, anxiety and feelings of isolation than […]
On this day,people across the globe come together to talk about epilepsy, raise awareness of the condition and raise money to make a difference to the lives of people affected by epilepsy. Purple day was created in 2008 by Cassidy Megan, a young girl from Canada, who has epilepsy and […]
New Guidance for community nurses published by the Queen’s Nurse Institute in association with ESNA Click here