
August 17, 2023

Best practice guidelines for training professional carers in the administration of Buccal (Oromucosal) Midazolam

Buccal midazolam is widely used to manage prolonged seizures. Administration should only be undertaken by people who have received both epilepsy awareness and buccal midazolam training. It is recommended that there are two-yearly updates on this training. The administration of buccal midazolam must be delivered in accordance with the individual’s protocol/guidelines. All carers of people with epilepsy should receive epilepsy awareness training. In addition if the person with epilepsy is prescribed buccal midazolam, additional training in its administration must be undertaken.

These guidelines have evolved to ensure the safety of people with epilepsy, and to ensure that those who require buccal midazolam receive a consistent level of knowledge and intervention from their carers. These guidelines will be evaluated prior to the next revision in two years’ time.

Best Practice Guidelines for the Administration of Buccal Midazolam (38 downloads )