
June 9, 2019

Weekly Round-up 17th May 2019

The New Website – GDPR

Dear All

ESNA needs to comply with the requirements of GDPR.  We are about to launch a new website and we need permission to continue to store personal details.  Details we currently have are name, job title/speciality and role description/contact details/main base and date joined.  We will hold membership details in a secure GDPR compliant database on our new website.  We will email members individually asking them to check their information and agree to ESNA holding it.

**We will keep this information safe and only use it for the purpose for which it is intended**

One service that we would like to add is the ability for members to search for other members on the database and contact them if required.  This will be made clear to everyone in the email we send out. 


Caryn Jory

Epilepsy Specialist Nurse

Queen's Nurse

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Adult Learning Disability Service
West Wing

Carew House

Beacon Technology Park

Dunmere Road


PL31 2QE


Building partnerships from Northampton to Hull

Please see attached! - click here for pdf


Nurse Clinics 2019

The 2019 date has now been confirmed for Nurse Clinics – please see details below and brochure attached - click here for pdf

Friday 15 November 2019, London

Nurse led services have a pivotal role in the future of the NHS and delivering the Long Term Plan.  Nurse Clinics 2019 is an essential conference for specialist nurses playing their part working at advanced practice and setting up and running nurse led clinics and services, delivering high quality patient care and improved outcomes. 

20% Discount for your member by quoting HCUK20KH at time of booking

Follow the conference on Twitter #NurseClinics19

For more information click here

To secure your place, click here

Kate Hall

Marketing Executive

(Working hours: Mon 9 -6, Tues 9 – 3, Weds 9-6, Thurs 9-3)

HC-UK Conferences Ltd

Healthcare Conferences UK Ltd

Social Care Conferences Ltd

8 Wilson Drive



KT16 0NT


NEAD Request – Can anyone help?

Could you please get back to Shelley direct if you can help with her query below

Do any other nurses have any pathways they use for people with NEAD; are there any MDT who support this group of individuals?  How does it work in principle. 

Unfortunately in my area these needs are not being met and psychology department are looking at how we can improve.



Shelley Anderton

Epilepsy Specialist Nurse Lead

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust

 Follow us on:

Facebook: @epilepsy nurses association-ESNA

Twitter: @ESNA_epilepsy